Holistic Development so your child can conquer real-world uncertainties
StayQrious Neoschool is an online after-school program that teaches your child self-learning skills, social skills, emotional resilience, and problem-solving skills that are essential to thrive in the real-world.
Applications open for Grades 4-10
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Wondering what’s different at a neoschool?
Learning feels exciting
Each class at StayQrious is fun. By focusing on fun, we make learning easy. All our classes are super interactive and project-oriented, keeping kids excited for the next class!
Group 38028
Group 38029
Learning is measured right
Marks aren’t the only way to measure learning. At StayQrious, we measure learning in multiple ways to ensure learning is not only effective but sticks for life.
Learning is supported by coaches
Our learning coaches are friends, not teachers. They're understanding, patient, caring and always support your child’s learning journey.
Group 38030
What parents say about StayQrious

Mr. Hemant Sachdev, Ayaan’s Father

Ex-Joint MD at Microsoft Ex-Marketing Director at Airtel

I find my son more engaged in StayQrious than even his regular online school. That tells me that StayQrious is special to him. It has clearly been making an impact on my son. I would say that StayQrious is not only going to surprise you.. It’s going to make a difference and make your child learn in a way that they want to learn!
Created by learning experts from Stanford & Khan Academy
Our future-centric curriculum is designed by learning experts from Khan Academy and Stanford. They have spent years in the field of education, observing learning habits of children globally. StayQrious curriculum bakes evidence-based learning techniques into its curriculum to make children happy, independent, learners for life (and not just exams)
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What you get when you join us
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Classes every week
Engaging live classes with a group of up-to 8 students and a learning coach
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Custom reports & updates
Get constant updates on your child’s progress over WhatsApp
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Lifetime Access
Get free, lifetime access to our learning platform and masterclasses
The nitty gritty details
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No-questions-asked refund
If you don’t love us, we’ll give you a full refund for classes not taken.
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Flat, transparent pricing
Same pricing for all courses. So simple, so easy.
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Flexible dates available
You can even bring your friends to learn together!
Backed by
Backed by early investors of Tesla, SpaceX, Coursera and more...
Got questions? We've got answers!

We leverage technology to provide the best curriculum and instructions as well as measure learning outcomes at every step. This is regularly reported to the parents. For the coaches, we have a rigorous 6 step process to only pick the best applicants followed by 2 weeks of thorough training.

We actually call them coaches and they are refreshingly relatable teachers whom the kids can’t get enough of! We have a rigorous 6 step hiring process followed by a training on cognitive and behavioural psychology. They challenge each student while still being fun, encouraging and motivating. Within just 1 month your child will tell you how much this difference matters to them.

Definitely but please hurry and let us know! We reserve a limited number of batches for each school and want to make sure we block slots in the same batch when friends want to study together.

We have a no questions asked refund policy. You will receive pro-rata refund for the remaining part of the course incase you are not satisfied with the course for whatever reason.

Help your child learn the right way at

Holistic Development so your child can
handle real-world uncertainties.

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